I have a curious mind, adventurous spirit and a desire to deeply connect with people from all walks of life.
How 3 months in NZ changed me: epic landscapes, new friends, and the bitter taste of failure.
Why do I love being a digital nomad, how do I deal with the challenges and how much I spend on average.
Ayahuasca has the potential to change your life, at least it did for me. This is the in-depth expression of my journey and its aftermaths.
Remote work is here to stay. The world is transforming into digital and even more people will be able to do their job without being bound to a physical office.
Techniques I've used to acquire the habit of reading and went from reading 0 to finishing 50+ books a year. In a rush? Get an e-reader and bring it everywhere.
Did you think about learning to code, but had no idea where to start? Not sure if it is the right thing for you? Is it worth all the hustle? I am here for you.